Inspirations, Materials, Sources

Strategies for Culture. Culture for Development. Strategic Management of a Cultural Institution
The publication is a compilation of texts  focused on strategic management in institutions of culture, the importance of culture in development, a role of a leader in culture, and directions in which culture evolves.
Download the publication

Library Report 2014 was written by ABM-utvikling (Archive, Library and Museum Authority) and commissioned by the Ministry of Culture in Norway.
Library Reform 2014

Report: Assessment of Institutional Potential of Provincial Libraries (Lidia Kuczmierowska)

The Act on Public Libraries (Norwegian Act on Libraries)


Workshop I:

- Presentation for Workshop I

- Libraries in the Electronic, Knowledge-based Economy (Professor Wojciech Cellery)

- Between Nature and Culture - Why is it difficult to have a strategic dialogue? (Ryszard Stocki, WSB-NLU)


Workshop II:

- Presentation for Workshop II in Cracow

- Research and Statistics (Tord Hoivik, Oslo University College IFLA)

- Regional Institutions of Culture and Goals of the Cultural Development in the Region (Joanna Orlik, MIK)

- QUESTIONS to Norwegian libraries from Polish partners


Workshop III:

- Presentation for Workshop III in Wrocław

- Indicators for Public Libraries (Torill Redse, ABM-utvikling)

- Indicators for Public Libraries - Additional Information

- Presentation: Regional Library Plan (Vestfold)

- Presentation: Startegic Plan of Culture (Vestfold County)


Study Visit:

- Observations/ Inspirations - Reflections and impressions of Polish participants of the study visit to Norway


Workshop IV

- Strategy Implementation (Roger Josevold, National Library in Oslo)